Wednesday, June 13

Photos of epicness! Not really...

I just realized that I haven't made a scene/emo etc. sim out of the blue in a long time. That last one was because Fannie and I decided to make one in tandem... Maybe I've grown out of it. I don't even know what sims I make anymore...I just make them.
If anyone has a problem with that they can kiss my ass.

I think it's time for a photodump. Time to let out all my little photos taken in game when I say 'I'm going to post this sometime but never will' XD

Now without further adue, some piece of shit in game shots :D Plaaeeesse clik on ze piczurs to enlarge-eh

Attack of the claw!!! Kid: WTF!

I...don't even know.

Mr 'Prince Charming': IMA HOERS



I'm so lonesome... (I seriously can't remember his name...Ronnie...or something. Mr. Awesome drugged out badass mofo XD)

!!!!! I forgot about these two!! My favorite couple of all time!!! Blaze and Angel :3
PHOTO DUMP AHEAD also some rated R shit...kinda. Kinky...awesomeness... Angel is the Blondie...he isn't as innocent as he may seem...
 (First time ever doing scratches/bruises GIVE ME CREDIT XD I didn't like him being perfect when Angel is literally the devil in bed.)
^ Don't choke on that ciggy Angel...
D'aweee such a cute couple...

And that should be it... OH my mom saw one of the pics of Blaze and Angel doing the naughty XD Kinda not really... it was awesome horrible cause it shocked her. XD

Now I'm off to write some awesome story I've been putting off for months...lets hope I can even write it.
I'm very sarcastic today...I wonder why...


  1. Angel and Blaze are sweet..^^
    And i really like the girls face on the first pic.. :D

  2. They are, they're definitely my favorite couple I've made :3
    XD I think it was beacuse I kept making him attack her with the claw thing for a pic, I think she was starting to get freaked out xP
