Wednesday, August 15

Totally completely random post XD

You know those times when you wish you could have a Destery Rage Quit at your laptop? That happened to me multiple times in the past few days...

Reason one: SLOW INTERNET (it's worse than sauerkraut dipped in cat piss)
Reason two: My poor top sim is starting to look more like a manga zombie drawn by a five year old... XD
Reason three: ...actually there's no third reason... um... OH real player takes forever to convert my death note episodes... all 37 of them.... *poker face* I have high expectations for my laptop...

I vill try to upload my new sim this week! If my game decides to stop being an ass hooooole XD

YOU"RE MY HEAAAARTBREAKERRR *does gd's epic dance even though thats not the part*

You know what I had stuck in my head for two days straight?! Gangnam Style... -___________-
I kept dancing down the stairs singing it, I bet my mom wanted me to fall at one point xD She finds my taste in music enormously annoying...which I find weird because she was fine with my death metal...I think it's cause this is in a different language. 

MY TEXT TONE! I think I got it just to annoy the crap out of people, because I always do retarded things for a laugh XD

Pic dump time? Why not? XD I suck at captions so bare with me ahaha

What happens when I press the randomize button xD
Myka (left) and Kenny are the oddest couple I've ever made, and I love them the most xD

Herm. I should stop, I'm annoying >.< I hope someone thinks the pics are funny at least xD

Current song: The whole still alive album since it's one song on my ipod, but at the moment it's playing Bad Boy <3
Current mood:
TaeYangs seeew cuutteee!!!! :3
I'd say that bulldog puppy has competition XD
Don't get me wrong though, they're all insanly good looking but TOP will always be my fav :3 <3

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