Sunday, August 12

Little preview

Air show today...yay ............. I'm going to die!!! DX It's 3am...I have to be out of the house at 9:30am... I don't usually get up until about 4pm...and fall asleep at 9am.... (lots of times there O.o)
I'm going to literally die.

But anyway, enough of my rambling and on to sim related stuffs.

My top sim is STILL not done but he will be...sometime....hopefully...once I figure out why my game's being stupid...
My new male sim I showed a preview of should be up fairly soon (again, once I figure out what's wrong)
I'll probably be working on a couple cause I haven't done one in a while
and in the near future I will be making the celebrity sims I talked about before...when I can.

Here's another preview of my sim inspired by se7en...why? I don't know. It looks nothing like him XD
That's his dog Riko by the way, he's so cute when he sleeps :3
*unedited, sorry it's blurry >.<*

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