Sunday, July 1

Ah canada day...

A time where we all get together and completely forget about all the shitty things about our country :).
-_- Fuck canada day. God I'm such a hippie... its Jojo's birthday though so I'm happy! Shes officially ONE! :D
The only thing amazing about canada is the REAL CANADIANS and the scenery. Fuck the rest.
Onto other things. What other things? There are none. I want to actually play sims but I can't because I have to get rid of my cc cause my game is slow. The peasants occupants of Skyrim have been without the awesome dragon slayer named Arius the badass for too long. Dropped a competition for the first time ever I think. Missed the deadline for Fairytale (oh no! -_-) Sent in my zombie for Zombie Clash! finally...not the qualifying shot though. I think I'm starting to lose my friend. I'm going on a low carb diet...lets see how that works out...yeah. Life is pretty...I won't say shitty cause it's not that's just boring as fuck.

Blogger is a piece of shit. I can't post pictures, save, spell check, preview, nothing.

Oh AND I've gone completely m.i.a. on wattpad...shit. I haven't even written a god damn thing.

As you can tell I'm kinda pissed... -_-'

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