Saturday, June 30

I'm tired...

I'm watching twister for the millionth time :D haha so I figured out where I'm going in January in Mexico finally xD it's right next to the Caribbean sea and now I'm stoked! I don't like the heat but I'm really excited!! I'm going for a week and HOLY SHIT an 80 degree drop from over 300 feet on a roller coaster?!!?!!?? O.O wow I would die then want to do it again XD lol that was random. Come play with us Danny *creepy face* ... Anyways... I'm going to take like a billion pictures and probably live in the water the whole time xD

I still have to do my assignments for my comps. -.- I really don't want to do the fairy tale one...*sigh*

You know what's weird...? I'm deathly afraid of tornados...and yet...I watch twister every time it's on... *facepalm*

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