Tuesday, July 3


I'm doing something you guys will hopefully love! I'm working out the kinks on it all, and let me tell you its taking forever ._. but the end result should be pretty awesome...I hope. I won't tell you anything about it though cause it's a secret ;)
A hint will do though: It's something I've never tried before to do with sims obviously. I've done a lot in the simming world but never once tried this. Hm I wonder what it is... xD

I'm on day four of my official diet and I've probably lost about 5 pounds. I'm being super strict ._. but I want it to work. I say about because I'm not weighing myself yet because one, I need a better scale and two, I hate seeing the numbers even though I know I'm just being self conscious :/

Now for a funny pic xD This was done after I took a photo similar to this with them fighting for a comp. I decided to get something funny out of it, even if its not that funny xP

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