Friday, July 6

I officially hate summer. TOO BUSY!

It's 4am on the day I have to get up, go out with my aunt, grandma and mom then go home, get ready again for my friends little brothers 14th bday party, go to the party at like 530 6, meet my friends boyfriend for the first time since they started going out months ago (which I'm kinda nervous about since I'm not good meeting new people) stay there and make sure I don't eat any cake, chips etc which I won't then go back home with my friend and probably do a bunch of shiz here until this time in the morning.
I am going to be SO TIRED and grumpy. I'm notorious for becoming a bear when I don't eat or sleep. -.-

Ah then I have to get everything organized for dd since I've had no time and do an assignment and work on my project. DX

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