Saturday, February 25

Rantings my new favorite sport

Hmm let's start with this morning. It was snowing and normally I'd be overjoyed BUT I'm going to a freaking car show tomorrow! I don't want to be cold! Even though it's nearly impossible for me to get cold... Anyways
My friends disappointed in me because I couldn't sleep over . . . -.-
My mom and I watched the new fright night (the original ones awesome hehe) and it was pree cool xD that Collin Farrell (sp?) guy... ._. I never noticed how good looking he is like holy shit. Anyways dude man from harry potter and dr who's in it too which made the movie so much better XD
THEN we watched the unborn -I've never watched two movies that ive never seen in one night lol it was weird- it was alright, the plot was good and Gary Oldman saved the day!!! :D I hated the end. T-T James from twilight *spoiler alert* dies :C he was so cute in the movie *cries* shush. I hate twilight but I like this guy.
Scariest part of the night though was when my mom saw a bug crawling on the floor behind my chair holy crap. I jumped off that chair so fast and ran down the hallway. I. Hate. Bugs. The movies weren't even remotely scary.
And now I'm still awake at 1 30 in the freaking morning while I have to wake up at 9. NINE O'CLOCK!!! F. M. L.

Edit: it's freaking quarter to six and I'm awake. -_-' I do this all the friggin time what the hell is wrong with me? I got maybe an hour of sleep. Damn storm woke me up and I was freaking out about my corner in my room for almost two hours. I'm pathetic.

Aw it's jojo c: